


What tools does the MarTech user pair most often with Optimizely?

CabinetM aggregated data from hundreds of live marketing stacks across the B2B and B2C spectrum exposes the most common marketing technology products used alongside anchor technology platforms. Tools that appear more often are larger and closer to the center. Those that appear smaller on the graphic appear less often – but it’s important to note that no two stacks are the same and that tools that appear less frequently may be vital to the operations of the enterprises using them.

Optimizely is an A/B, multipage, and multivariate testing platform designed for organizations of all types and sizes. Advanced targeting, allocation, and scheduling features provide maximum flexibility. Analysts can schedule tests to run when desired, target tests to key visitor audiences, and precisely control the allocation of visitors to variations.

The StackMates graphic is what we see at CabinetM when marketers use HubSpot in stacks: The most popular tools are biggest and toward the center — Google Analytics, HubSpot CRM, WordPress and Mailchimp, Twitter and WordPress are the most popular tools paired with Optimizely in CabinetM stacks. 

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