What tools does the MarTech user pair most often with Widen’s Digital Asset Management Platform?
CabinetM aggregated data from hundreds of live marketing stacks across the B2B and B2C spectrum exposes the most common marketing technology products used alongside anchor technology platforms. Tools that appear more often are larger and closer to the center. Those that appear smaller on the graphic appear less often – but it’s important to note that no two stacks are the same and that tools that appear less frequently may be vital to the operations of the enterprises using them.
In our graphic you can see LinkedIn is the most popular tool paired with Widen in stacks, followed by Facebook.
Farther out on our graphic you’ll see tools that appear larger when we look at other programs, but don’t presume they’re less important. For the marketers using SEMRush or HubSpot with Adobe, that may be a central part of their program, just not as popular a strategy for marketers building stacks.
So what do we see with Widen’s platform?
Social media is key. Content managers using Widen also have significant sharing platforms often in their stack.
Nearly as common are the major automation platforms like Marketo, Eloqua and Salesforce.
Widen is a key enabler for personalization programs and used alongside tools that give a complete view of customers (Infor, Amobee) and those that scale personalization (Bazaar Voice, Confirmit)
Widen’s Digital Asset Management Platform powers brand management, creative workflows, and content lifecycles for many of the world’s most influential brands. Widen’s team is focused on making it easy for their customers to access the right content, for the right customer, at the right time.
CabinetM and Widen are offering a free webinar on Mapping Your MarTech Stack. Jake Athey, VP of Marketing at Widen, and Anita Brearton, founder and CEO of CabinetM, will discuss: Best practices for building and managing marketing technology stacks; Digital Asset Management’s crucial role in your MarTech stack; and Identifying overlap in your marketing tools. Ensure you’re getting the most out of your marketing technology investments. Register and then join us on Oct. 31, 2018, at 12 p.m. EST.
To see your product featured on CabinetM, contact Erica Ross at eross@cabinetm.com.